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And you? Who are tu?

ChacUN de nous est responsable de son évolution, ou autrement dit de sa Réalisation personnelle.

Are you on the path to Truth? Love for you and others? understanding and liberation?

We all come from the ONE and the path we all travel is the rediscovery of this One, total et absolute.

Imagine the world if everyone did their own work, what do you see ? Love, Peace, Union? 

Let's go together in the era of Aquarius in mutual aid and Love, let's rediscover ourselves, let's deprogram what needs to be deprogrammed, to rediscover this Light and Love that lives in us.

Let's build together this world of which we dream all deep within ourselves.

Here, you will find aids to develop your light and your truth which sleeps in you, or can be to maintain it through the Truths which I collected these last years.


"Be the change you want to see in the world"


Un-dividuellement: À propos

The Magical Teachings

My evolution is done through that of others

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Un-dividuellement: Blog2

Do you realize that we are floating in the Universe?

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